Meet the Aunties


Lauren Clark (Chickasaw), Secretary

Lauren Clark was born in Oklahoma City and raised in Mustang, Oklahoma. Lauren is an Associate General Counsel for the Chickasaw Nation Department of Commerce. She worked in Indian Country drafting wills with the Jodi Marquette American Indian Wills Clinic and as an intern with the Native American Legal Resource Center, where she worked on domestic violence cases in tribal courts. Lauren serves on the Governing Board of Directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oklahoma and is the Board Chair for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Oklahoma City Resource Board. Lauren was a Big Sister for eight years and in 2016 she was awarded Big of the Year in Norman. Lauren and her partner, Tylor Huddleston, have one son, Elijah Huddleston. They have two dogs, Max and Carla. Lauren is a devoted daughter to Wade and proud sister to Cassie and Caitlyn. She is also blessed with an extended network of friends she considers family. She is thankful for coffee. 

“I have inherited a responsibility to defend our indigenous brothers and sisters. Today, I stand on the shoulders of my Granny and wonder how different her world would have been if someone would have defended her and her family. I cannot continue to remain complacent in the face of our national immigration crisis, especially for these indigenous children. I hope that all efforts, big and small, can together help migrant children receive fair and just care from the nation who promises shelter for the ‘poor… huddled masses yearning to be free’.”