Meet the Aunties


Sara Hoklotubbe (Cherokee)

Sara is originally from Jay, Oklahoma and now lives in Norman. She writes mystery novels and is a member of many professional organizations including the Oklahoma Writers' Federation, Inc., Norman Galaxy of Writers, Tulsa NightWriters, Mystery Writers of America, The Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers, and Sisters in Crime. She is a member of the Wailuku Union Church.

“My Cherokee grandmother lived by example. She taught us to show respect for others, to treat them in the same manner with which we wanted to be treated, without regard for who they were, where they came from, or their station in life. She never turned away anyone from our door, and no matter what time of day or night, she would put together something for them to eat. I became an Auntie with my grandmother’s spirit in my heart, wanting to do something, anything to help the innocent Indigenous children suffering at our border. They came here in search of a better life, to escape certain death in their own country, and in doing so, many have been ripped from their families, their own grandmothers and aunties. Their pain is unfathomable and the scars from this trauma will live with them forever. It is my hope that as an Auntie I can make a difference for these children in some small way.”